Colorado should finally license funeral home workers, regulators say

Colorado regulators recommended the state once again license funeral home workers in light of recent egregious abuses in the industry. In a 51-page report sent to the state legislature last week, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies said, “It is clear that the public is harmed by the general lack of regulation of funeral service … Read more

Killing of Hamas leader stokes fears of wider conflict

03 January 2024, Lebanon, Beirut: The destroyed Hamas’ office that was attacked by Israel on 02 January killing Palestinian leader Saleh al-Arouri and six others pictured from shattered glass in Beirut southern suburb. Photo: Marwan Naamnai/dpa (Photo by Marwan Naamnai/picture alliance via Getty Images) Picture Alliance | Picture Alliance | Getty Images The killing of … Read more

Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s War in Gaza

AP Photo/Susan Walsh Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held nothing back on Tuesday in issuing a very strongly worded condemnation of Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza while urging the U.S. to cut off funding for the conflict. “Let me be clear: NO MORE U.S. funding for Netanyahu’s illegal, immoral, brutal, and grossly disproportionate war … Read more

Gun-rights groups sue to block Colorado’s new ban on “ghost guns”

A pair of gun-rights groups have filed a lawsuit against Colorado Gov. Jared Polis to block enforcement of a new state law banning so-called “ghost guns,” in the latest legal challenge of a slew of new firearms reform measures. The suit was filed in federal court Monday, when some provisions of the law took effect, … Read more

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war- poll – Israel Politics

Only 15% of Israelis want Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stay in office after the war on Hamas in Gaza ends, though many more still support his strategy of crushing the terrorists in the Palestinian enclave, according to a poll published on Tuesday. Netanyahu promised to crush Hamas after its Oct. 7 rampage in … Read more

‘They’re Gonna Try To Force Nikki on the Ticket’

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon claimed on Monday that “a big fight” would take place in Spring to determine whether Nikki Haley becomes former President Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate. During an appearance on Human Events with Jack Posobiec, Bannon predicted, “We’re gonna have a big fight that will take place in the … Read more

Israel Katz becomes Israel’s 22nd Foreign Minister – Israel Politics

Israel Katz became the 22nd Foreign Minister of Israel on Monday evening after the Knesset approved a power sharing agreement by which he replaced Eli Cohen. The Foreign Ministry will mark Katz’s entry into the job on Tuesday morning with a small ceremony in its Jerusalem office. Cohen will now replace Katz, as the … Read more

Colorado legal marijuana sales spurred new industry, inspired reform

The world’s first legal sale of recreational marijuana happened in Denver on Jan. 1, 2014. In fact, it happened twice. Mason Tvert was managing the onslaught of media that descended on the Mile High City to witness the historic moment, set in motion by the successful legalization campaign he’d led. So many camera crews and … Read more

Lingnan artefacts, architecture go on display in Hong Kong, with centuries-old pieces to inspire modern-day Greater Bay Area integration

Nestled in Hong Kong’s verdant Kowloon Park is an imposing five-metre-tall, intricately carved wooden shrine on display in the city for the first time as part of an exhibition targeting improved integration within the Greater Bay Area. The century-old structure, a top-grade national treasure from Guangdong province known as the Panyu shrine, is part of … Read more