How many hours of sleep do you need? Here are the essential guidelines for every age group – Firstpost

How many hours of sleep do you need? Here are the essential guidelines for every age group – Firstpost

Sleep is crucial for health and well-being, yet many people struggle to meet the recommended sleep duration. A recent study revealed that 31 per cent of adults fall short of the seven to nine hours per night. Discover how much sleep you need based on your age and learn how sleep quality, pregnancy, and ageing … Read more

Smartphones’ effect on kids under 10 go beyond eyes, say doctors

Smartphones’ effect on kids under 10 go beyond eyes, say doctors

NEW DELHI: Smartphone addiction among children under the age of 10, is known to be detrimental for the eyes. However, doctors on Saturday warned that spending excessive time on the device may worsen physical health and cause a host of behavioural issues.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, children under five must spend less … Read more

Modi mann ki baat: PM Modi stresses on mental health, especially among youth in his latest ‘Mann ki Baat’ address

Modi mann ki baat: PM Modi stresses on mental health, especially among youth in his latest ‘Mann ki Baat’ address

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stressed on the importance of mental health in the present times and the various ways in which it can be achieved. In his monthly “Mann ki Baat” address to the nation, he shared experiences of some experts who enumerated physical activity, diet, Yoga among the steps that can help achieve … Read more