South Africans line up for medical care during Chinese hospital ship stop

South Africans line up for medical care during Chinese hospital ship stop

China’s naval hospital ship, called the Peace Ark, is on a 13-nation tour of mostly African countries to provide free health care for locals. Over the past week, it was docked off the South African coast where the Western Cape province has a backlog of about 80,000 surgeries. Vicky Stark reports. Read original article here … Read more

South Africa patients flock to docked Chinese hospital ship

South Africa patients flock to docked Chinese hospital ship

A Chinese hospital ship has docked in Cape Town to bring much-needed free medical care to South African patients as part of a joint exercise between the two nations, the army said on Monday. The “Peace Ark” arrived on South Africa’s shores on 22 August and will “provide independent medical services for seven consecutive days”, … Read more