How to make Paul Hollywood’s easy white bread loaf with a ‘crisp and shiny’ crust

Perfecting a loaf can be tricky, especially with lots of different recipes online, all saying to use different ingredients. However, when it comes to a white bread loaf, it couldn’t be easier, with Paul’s recipe needing just six ingredients to make. The recipe notes said: “Paul Hollywood’s easy white bread recipe shows you step by … Read more

Paul Hollywood’s mincemeat lattice tart is set to be a ‘showstopper’ this Christmas

Paul Hollywood has shared a recipe for his Mincemeat Lattice Tart, a festive treat that elevates that combines some of the best-loved ingredients in Christmas baking. Serving 6-8, this tart combines the flaky perfection of sweet shortcrust pastry with a luscious filling of mincemeat, fresh apples, pears and juicy satsumas. Described as a “showstopper” by … Read more