Vote no on Proposition KK and 130 to avoid ballot box budgeting

Vote no on Proposition KK and 130 to avoid ballot box budgeting

Heard of ballot box biology? That’s when special interests ask voters to circumvent the expertise and inclusive decision-making of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to get what they want. Equally pernicious is ballot box budgeting which distorts the state budget process in favor of certain interests by appealing directly to voters through initiatives. Ballot … Read more

Colorado ranchers, restaurants worried about ballot issue that would shutter meat processing plant

Colorado ranchers, restaurants worried about ballot issue that would shutter meat processing plant

Lamb is as Colorado as 14,000-foot peaks and Palisade peaches. Raised in rugged terrain, Colorado lamb is known for its lean meat and rich flavor. Many connoisseurs have long claimed its superiority over its New Zealand counterpart. It’s also less niche across culinary cultures than you might realize. It is served as birria or barbacoa … Read more