How to make rocky road: Mary Berry’s honeycomb version is ready in no time

Forget about using your oven in this heat, for all upcoming picnics and barbecues simply throw together this easy dessert and win everyone over while you’re at it. Mary Berry’s honeycomb rocky road is as decadent as it sounds and only requires 10 minutes of your time, making it a great last-minute dessert choice. With … Read more

Key lime dessert recipe: Mary Berry’s no-bake key lime tranche is ‘sweet and sharp’

With a heatwave looming on the horizon, turning on the oven to bake might not sound like a great idea. That’s why, Mary Berry’s no-bake key lime tranche is a great option for any outdoor gatherings, barbecues or days out at the park this summer. About the recipe, found in the book Mary Makes It … Read more