Fridge cake recipe: Jamie Oliver’s tiffin is ideal for using up cupboard leftovers

If you’ve got a few cupboard treats lying around you’d like to use up before they start going stale, Jamie Oliver’s fridge cake is the recipe for you. Using as few as just six ingredients, you can have a quick and easy treat for up to 10 people in just minutes. The TV chef wrote … Read more

Nigella Lawson’s marshmallow crispy squares are an easy, classic treat for the family

Melt the butter in a large saucepan over low heat. Add in the marshmallows, and cook gently until they are melted and blended, stirring constantly. Take the pan off the heat, and immediately mix in the cereal. Stir lightly until coasted. Press the mixture into a greased 32-cm-by-32-cm pan. With clean hands or gloves, make … Read more