Mary Berry’s blueberry and summer fruits cheesecake recipe is incredibly easy to bake

It is National Blueberry Cheesecake Day on May 26, which may seem like a peculiar holiday but is the perfect excuse to treat yourself to something delicious and homebaked. Mary Berry’s classic blueberry and fruit cheesecake recipe is a colourful and mouth-watering dish which is perfect to make for anyone looking forward to the summer. … Read more

Mary Berry’s white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake only requires 7 ingredients – recipe

Cheesecakes make for a fantastic dessert or an alternative to birthday cake because they are easy to make but deliver lots of flavour. Mary’s recipe takes as little as 20 minutes to make, with it only needing six hours to set in the fridge. It also has more than 50 five-star ratings on BBC Good … Read more