Unknown individuals sabotage car of Iran’s former president Ahmadinejad

Unknown individuals sabotage car of Iran’s former president Ahmadinejad

Iran’s former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the target of an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Monday, IRGC-affiliated Iran International reported. The individuals attempted to sabotage his Toyota Land Rover. Before departing for an event in Zanjan, Ahmadinejad’s security head complained that the vehicle’s air conditioner had not been repaired and asked the former president to ride in … Read more

Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad supports US ties under Donald Trump

Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad supports US ties under Donald Trump

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that he would be open to economic relations and talks with the United States under a Trump presidency, Iran International reported on Saturday.  Ahmadinjad had taken an anti-West stance during his presidency from 2005-2013, according to the report, indicating a serious turn around in prospective foreign policies for … Read more

Iranian regime approves presidential candidates for upcoming elections

Iranian regime approves presidential candidates for upcoming elections

Iran’s Guardian Council, which oversees elections and legislation, has approved six candidates to run for president in snap elections to be held later this month after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, Iran’s State TV reported on Sunday. On the list are Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Iran’s hardline parliament speaker and … Read more