What is a countertenor? Hong Kong singer on how men hit high notes like a female soprano

What is a countertenor? Hong Kong singer on how men hit high notes like a female soprano

Hong Kong singer Kari Ding, who shifted from a tenor to countertenor in 2019, says it is a somewhat misleading label. “It is not so much that a countertenor is rare but that the style of singing is rarely pursued,” Ding says. Consider a falsetto, he says of the voice used by male singers – … Read more

The time Jiang Zemin outsang Pavarotti in Italian recalled in Hong Kong impresario’s book

The time Jiang Zemin outsang Pavarotti in Italian recalled in Hong Kong impresario’s book

Duffus left the orchestra in 1986 to become one of Hong Kong’s most successful impresarios, in which role he brought an impressive, “who’s who” line-up of performers from both classical music and pop music to the region. He also witnessed plenty of backstage drama involving some of the biggest names in the business. Some of … Read more