How to keep lettuce fresh and mould free for 7 days longer with simple storage method

How to keep lettuce fresh and mould free for 7 days longer with simple storage method

There is nothing better than a fresh salad or some crispy lettuce on top of a burger, but it can be frustrating if your leafy greens become mouldy after only a few days of buying them.  It may seem obvious to simply place salad leaves in the fridge but lettuce has a high water content, … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh and crispy longer with expert’s ‘correct’ storage tip

How to keep lettuce fresh and crispy longer with expert’s ‘correct’ storage tip

Food storage hacks are not just brilliant for saving a few quid, but they’re also key in slashing food waste. A staggering 7.1 million Britons are reportedly bungling up their food storage, leading to an eye-watering 281,000 tonnes of fruit and veg being chucked out annually. When it comes to keeping your lettuce fresh, there’s … Read more

The exact spot to store lettuce to keep it fresh for longer

The exact spot to store lettuce to keep it fresh for longer

The UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year, a figure which has the potential to feed roughly 30 million people a year, according to The Eco Experts. One major reason Britons end up wasting food is that it goes off before they have a chance to eat it. But one … Read more

I tried three lettuce storage hacks – one kept salad leaf fresh for more than a week

I tried three lettuce storage hacks – one kept salad leaf fresh for more than a week

Lettuce is a great summer staple in many people’s fridges as it can be added to burgers, salads or sandwiches. However, often, many people don’t get to finish the lettuce because they can go off within a couple of days. Whether purchasing romaine, iceberg or sweet gem, all lettuce has a very short shelf-life. I … Read more