Keep lettuce fresh and crisp for 30 days ‘or more’ with smart storage solution

Lettuce is such a great leafy vegetable that compliments the best of sandwiches, salads and burgers. Topping tuna, bacon, or sausage sandwiches with lettuce adds an element of earthy flavour and elevates a simple butty into more posh nosh. An essential base for most salads, lettuce is a key ingredient for a multitude of dishes, … Read more

Keep lettuce fresh and crisp for up to 20 days with smart storage solution

Lettuce can wilt pretty quickly, leaving you with brown, watery leaves that are so unappealing to smell – let alone eat. So, in order to try and prolong its shelf life as much as possible and have a decent period of time to consume it, there are some simple storage steps to follow. Before storing … Read more

I tried three lettuce storage hacks – one kept salad leaf fresh for more than a week

Lettuce is a great summer staple in many people’s fridges as it can be added to burgers, salads or sandwiches. However, often, many people don’t get to finish the lettuce because they can go off within a couple of days. Whether purchasing romaine, iceberg or sweet gem, all lettuce has a very short shelf-life. I … Read more

Lettuce will stay fresh for six weeks if stored properly – stop it going mouldy or wilting

Lettuce is the perfect addition to any crisp salad or tasty sandwich but it can be frustrating when it begins to wilt only days after being bought.  Amy Cross, a cook who teaches people how to save money on food shopping on her website The Cross Legacy, has said lettuce spoils quickly if it is … Read more

Lettuce keeps fresher for longer in the fridge with tip that ‘works great’

Keeping certain ingredients fresh in the fridge doesn’t seem to last long and the last thing you want to do is throw them away. Especially when it comes to spinach, fish and in particular lettuce. One person posted on the online forum Reddit to ask the question: “How to keep lettuce fresh in the refrigerator?” … Read more