JB’s most authentic old-school kopitiams for good food and nostalgic vibes

JB’s most authentic old-school kopitiams for good food and nostalgic vibes

One of Johor Bahru’s biggest draws is nostalgia. Our mission objectives may be hunting cheap-and-good food and massages, but the yearning for a simpler, happier past still hums in the subconscious. It’s a blessing for Singaporeans that older sibling Malaysia next door is a window to “the way we were”. There isn’t the sort of … Read more

How Singapore and Malaysia’s coffee names reveal the region’s history of multiculturalism

How Singapore and Malaysia’s coffee names reveal the region’s history of multiculturalism

The flat white – two shots of espresso with gently steamed milk and little or no foam, described as a more velvety cappuccino – was recently described by The Economist as “Australia’s greatest culinary export”. Australia’s coffee culture is rooted in post-World War II Italian immigrants’ coffee techniques – and language. Since the 1980s, coffee … Read more