China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

She managed to survive the fierce competition. After her graduation from Fudan, she expanded her master’s thesis on the gap between urban and rural students at top universities in China, and her findings were published early last year. Zheng’s book, which discusses class differences from a sociological perspective, is one of the most prominent of … Read more

How to use the skill code for AI to superharge human skills

How to use the skill code for AI to superharge human skills

Matt Beane is an assistant professor in the technology management department at UC Santa Barbara and a digital fellow with Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab. His research focuses on building skills in a world filled with intelligent technologies, often necessitating field work investigating robots and AI in the workplace. He has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly and Harvard … Read more

AI can cause skill erosion but its preventable

AI can cause skill erosion but its preventable

In 2009, an Air France jet crashed into the ocean, leaving no survivors. The plane’s autopilot system shut down and the pilots, having become reliant on their computerised assistant, were unable to correct the situation manually. In 2015, a bus driver in Europe typed the wrong destination into his GPS device and cheerfully took a … Read more