Chinese AI firm iFlyTek says its LLMs are trained completely on Huawei platform

Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm iFlyTek says it has the only large language models (LLMs) trained completely on a home-grown computing platform, co-developed with Huawei Technologies, marking another step in the industry’s pursuit of self-sufficiency in the face of US restrictions. While most of China’s LLMs are underpinned by computing platforms that include US components … Read more

Tech unicorn Zhipu AI joins China’s LLM price war amid new funding round

“We diligently iterated the core technology of our models and improved its efficiency,” Zhipu AI chief executive Zhang Peng said at the event. “This is not just a simple price war. Through technological innovation, we lowered the cost and improved customer value.” This development reflects Zhipu AI’s confidence to go head-to-head against the major LLM … Read more

Tech war: Huawei’s AI chip capabilities under intense scrutiny after market leader Nvidia taps it as potential rival

The Ascend 910B is believed to succeed the Ascend 910, which was released by Huawei in August 2019, three months after it was put on a trade blacklist by the US Commerce Department. The chip can compete with Nvidia’s A100 in terms of powering AI algorithms, according to Dylan Patel, chief analyst at San Francisco-based … Read more