China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

China’s urban-rural gap is a threat to growth. Is the divide too wide to fix?

She managed to survive the fierce competition. After her graduation from Fudan, she expanded her master’s thesis on the gap between urban and rural students at top universities in China, and her findings were published early last year. Zheng’s book, which discusses class differences from a sociological perspective, is one of the most prominent of … Read more

Opinion | China’s third plenum shows its reform era has entered a new phase

Opinion | China’s third plenum shows its reform era has entered a new phase

China’s economic system is founded on the reforms carried out in the 1990s. With the unification of dual exchange rates in 1994, markets became the main tool to set prices. Many state-owned enterprises were either privatised or went bankrupt. Since then, privately managed businesses have consistently gained ground. The conventional formula to describe the role … Read more