Strawberries stay fresh for weeks when you use £1 item

Strawberries stay fresh for weeks when you use £1 item

Store berries for much longer by making one easy swap. We could all do with getting more fruit and veg in our diets, and one great way to do that is by swapping out your unhealthy snacks during the day for a couple of pieces of fruit. Berries are an excellent alternative for this – … Read more

Keep summer berries fresh for two weeks longer with unusual but effective storage method

Keep summer berries fresh for two weeks longer with unusual but effective storage method

Summer berries are one of the most refreshing snacks to eat during the hot weather, but it is a big waste when they become covered in furry white mould only days after being bought.  Strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and blueberries often become mouldy as berries have a very high water content which attracts bacteria to them, … Read more

Make berries last for up to two weeks with cook’s method that’s like ‘magic’

Make berries last for up to two weeks with cook’s method that’s like ‘magic’

Berries are known for going bad and mouldy fast. Luckily, there are food storage hacks that can be used to prolong the life of the acidic fruits. Over On TikTok, Elena Besser, who is a “restaurant cook turned TV host,” shared her tried and true method for storing berries to make them last longer with … Read more

Berries stay fresh and won’t go mouldy with cheap and simple storage methods

Berries stay fresh and won’t go mouldy with cheap and simple storage methods

If you plan on using the berries within a day of buying them then you can leave them covered on a kitchen worktop. But the best place to store them is in the fridge which can stop them from spoiling so quickly. Just remember not to wash the berries until you plan to eat or … Read more

Keep strawberries ‘fresh and perfect’ for two weeks – stop them going mouldy or spoiling

Keep strawberries ‘fresh and perfect’ for two weeks – stop them going mouldy or spoiling

The best method to store berries and make them last longer  You can make berries such as strawberries, blueberries or grapes last longer by trying out a simple washing method. Nicole said: “So now I’m really gonna blow your mind. Suppose you bought berries in bulk and you’re not gonna eat them in a few … Read more