Never wrap cheese in cling film to stop mould, says food expert

Never wrap cheese in cling film to stop mould, says food expert

Cheese, a costly staple in many shopping baskets, needs to be stored properly to prevent it from going mouldy. Its shelf life is much longer for those who don’t mind cutting off spores of mould when the remaining block of cheese looks fine to eat, but there’s a better approach. Sarah Taylor, a food hygiene … Read more

How to keep cheese fresh and mould-free for 6 weeks longer

How to keep cheese fresh and mould-free for 6 weeks longer

Despite many people storing this creamy, dairy delight in the fridge door or on the top shelf, it’s insufficient to keep mould at bay. Even with cling film, tin foil, or even a sealed container, the green spores can still plague cheese stored this way. This is why Briony May-Williams, former Great British Bake Off … Read more

How to keep cheese fresh for longer and it going mouldy with clever 29p tip

How to keep cheese fresh for longer and it going mouldy with clever 29p tip

Cheese is a fridge staple for many as it can be used in many different doses or enjoyed on its own.  However, most households don’t think much about how to store cheese, and leave it in the plastic wrap it came in from the supermarket or wrapping it in cling film. Experts on reducing food … Read more

Keep cheese ‘fresh and tasty’ longer by never wrapping in clingfilm

Keep cheese ‘fresh and tasty’ longer by never wrapping in clingfilm

Cheeseboards are a fun luxury snack during Christmas, but if you have too much leftover then you can easily keep it stored for later.  The food waste campaigners Love Food Hate Waste are raising awareness to show that cheese is one of the most wasted food products, with 3.1 million slices thrown away each day … Read more