How to keep blueberries fresh longer without going mushy with expert’s 2-minute hack

How to keep blueberries fresh longer without going mushy with expert’s 2-minute hack

After buying a punnet of blueberries, it can be tempting to immediately pop it in the fridge and not give the fruit another thought until you need it. Technically, this method can work but there is a storage hack to make your blueberries last even longer. These fruits are relatively delicate, and they benefit from … Read more

How to store blueberries properly to stop them from becoming mouldy or mushy

How to store blueberries properly to stop them from becoming mouldy or mushy

Nothing better than eating sweet and tart blueberries in the summer, but unless stored properly they can become mushy and rotten only a few days after being bought.  Blueberries spoil quickly as like most berries they have a high water content, which makes them more susceptible to bacteria and mould.  The natural sugars in the … Read more