White House: The US will maintain military presence in Middle East

The United States plans to maintain a significant force presence in the Middle East, including warships with ballistic missile defense capability, some of which are in the Red Sea to deter Houthi attacks against cargo vessels, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters in Washington on Wednesday. “The United States does not … Read more

Houthi terrorists meet Iranian officials, coordinate Middle East policy

A Houthi official met with the Iranians this week, according to Houthi-linked media in Yemen. According to the report Mohammad Abdul Salam, who is the head of the Iran-backed Houthi negotiating delegation, met with Mohammed Ghalibaf in Iran, Ghalibaf is on Iran’s Shura council and he is an important figure. He also met with … Read more

What the Middle East will look like in 2024

The Middle East experienced a year of intense activity. With 2023 drawing to a close, experts reviewing the region’s changes agree that the Israel-Gaza war, sparked by Hamas’s terrorist incursion on October 7, was the year’s most significant event. However, this was not the only significant development. For more stories from The Media Line … Read more

UK, US planning strikes as 10 Houthis killed in Red Sea

Ten Iran-backed Houthi militants were killed after the US sunk their boats during an attempted attack by the militants against a container ship in the southern Red Sea, the militant group announced on Sunday evening. On Sunday morning, the Maersk Hangzhou container ship issued a distress call after being attacked by four Houthi small … Read more

Iranian warship Alborz enters the Red Sea

Iran’s Alborz warship has entered the Red Sea, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Monday, at a time of soaring tensions on the key shipping route amid the Israel-Hamas war and attacks on vessels by forces allied to Tehran. Tasnim did not give details of the Alborz’s mission but said Iranian warships had … Read more

New Year, new strategy: How will Iran shift threats to Israel?

Iran has been dictating the tempo of the conflict against Israel for more than a year. It began in the fall of 2022 to heat up threats in the West Bank using Palestinian Islamic Jihad. After seeking to empower this proxy group and fill a vacuum left by the failure of the Palestinian Security … Read more

Shipping firms react to Houthi attacks in the Red Sea

Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen have stepped up attacks on vessels in the Red Sea to show their support for Palestinian Islamist group Hamas fighting Israel in Gaza. The attacks, aimed at a route that allows East-West trade, especially of oil, to use the Suez Canal to save the time and expense of circumnavigating … Read more

Iran-backed Houthi attack on Maersk Hangzhou is new escalation

Two Houthi attacks on the Maersk Hangzhou commercial ship in the Red Sea between Saturday and Sunday represent a new escalation by the Iranian-backed Houthis. It also represents a forceful new approach by the US to stop small boats from trying to interdict the ship. It is important to note that the Danish company … Read more

Voices from the Arab press: Israel-Gaza war is universally rejected

The Gaza war is universally rejectedAl-Ahram, Egypt, December 19 In a time of crisis, both David Cameron, the British foreign secretary, and Annalena Baerbock, his German counterpart, have called for a two-state solution in the Middle East once the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip concludes. These ministers have expressed their deep distress over … Read more

US intercepts over a dozen Houthi drones, missiles, IDF intercepts drone

The US military downed 12 kamikaze drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two land attack cruise missiles fired by the Houthis in the southern Red Sea within a period of just 10 hours on Tuesday, US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced. The USS Laboon and F/A-18 Super Hornets from the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group intercepted … Read more