Taiwan reports 17 ‘airborne balloons’ approaching from mainland China in run-up to election

Taiwan reports 17 ‘airborne balloons’ approaching from mainland China in run-up to election

The first balloon was reported on December 7. The Taiwanese defence ministry identified the objects as weather balloons until Tuesday, when it started describing them as “airborne balloons”. The Taiwanese defence ministry told the Post in a statement that the “Communist Party is using drones and airborne balloons as a way of grey-zone attack and … Read more

Taiwan to seize intruding sand dredgers from mainland China to fight illegal mining and ‘grey zone warfare’

Taiwan to seize intruding sand dredgers from mainland China to fight illegal mining and ‘grey zone warfare’

Under the revision, “ships or other machinery or equipment illegally used for excavation of sand and gravel in [Taiwan’s] exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf shall be confiscated regardless of who owns the facilities,” the legislature said in a statement on Monday. 30:18 Why Taiwan is a ‘life-or-death question’ for China: Cui Tiankai … Read more