Would you name your baby after a sexy fairy? It’s happening thanks to a popular book series

Would you name your baby after a sexy fairy? It’s happening thanks to a popular book series

There was a time when people were shamed for reading smutty books, whether for the steaminess factor or the misconception that romance wasn’t real literature. But now, thanks to the surging popularity of books by authors like Sarah J. Maas and Rebecca Yarros, readers are loudly and proudly embracing the genre — and even appear to be naming … Read more

E-readers were supposed to kill printed books. Instead, they’re booming

E-readers were supposed to kill printed books. Instead, they’re booming

Cost of Living8:55The return of the bookstore When e-readers like the Amazon Kindle burst onto the scene, showing up next to menorahs and under Christmas trees in the early 2000s, they were predicted to bring about the death of the print book — and maybe the independent bookstore too. But publishing sales data and on the … Read more