Les 5 défis du prochain chef de l’Otan Mark Rutte – POLITICO

D’ailleurs, l’une des premières tâches de Rutte en tant que chef de l’Otan consistera à nommer un adjoint, et des pressions s’exerceront pour qu’il désigne un ressortissant d’un pays de l’Est. 5. Les dirigeants européens pro-Poutine Ce n’est pas seulement Trump que Rutte devra convaincre pour maintenir l’Otan en vie et en bonne santé. Dans … Read more

Bugatti unveils new sports car with 1,800 horsepower and a $4M price tag

High-performance automaker Bugatti has unveiled its next-generation hyper sports car, the Tourbillon, its successor to the Chiron. The French luxury car manufacturer said it named the new model after a watchmaking invention made by a Swiss-born “genius” living in France in 1801, describing it as “A completely original creation without compare, it is both complex and beautiful, helping to … Read more

Germany’s Scholz ‘concerned’ over prospect of far-right win in France – POLITICO

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday that he was “concerned” about the prospect of a victory for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally in the French parliamentary election. “I am concerned about the elections in France,” Scholz told public broadcaster ARD in an interview. “I hope that parties that are not Le Pen — to … Read more

Macron joins Brazil’s Lula to tax billionaires — but is it all it’s made out to be? – POLITICO

“I prefer this debate on international taxation to the interminable debate in France on our own tax system,” Le Maire told reporters in April. ‘Nothing has been ruled out’ For France’s opposition parties, which broadly speaking are less pro-business than Macron, there’s now disquiet that the government’s backing for the super-rich tax gives it the … Read more

On Corsica road trip rugged scenery, hilltop towns, traces of Napoleon, aggressive drivers

The more precarious a road is, the faster Corsican motorists come hurtling around the corner. Pull over and step out of your car to admire Corsica’s spectacular mountain scenery. Photo: Tim Pile Herds of goats are one of the hazards for drivers in Corsica to negotiate. Photo: Tim Pile Fortunately there are plenty of places … Read more

China, France launch sat to better understand universe

A French-Chinese satellite blasted off Saturday on a hunt for the mightiest explosions in the universe, in a notable example of cooperation between a Western power and the Asian giant.Developed by engineers from both countries, the Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) is carrying four instruments – two French, two Chinese – that will seek out … Read more

China, France launch satellite to better understand universe

Xichang, China —  A French-Chinese satellite blasted off Saturday on a hunt for the mightiest explosions in the universe, in a notable example of cooperation between a Western power and the Asian giant. Developed by engineers from both countries, the Space Variable Objects Monitor, or SVOM, will seek out gamma-ray bursts, the light from which … Read more

Industrial revival stalled in June in Germany and France, survey shows – POLITICO

The numbers add fresh economic concerns to the political ones that have rattled markets in the last two weeks. The benchmark Stoxx 600 stock index fell 0.8 percent, while 10-year government bond yields fell by around 0.05 percentage point in both France and Germany. The unexpected slowdown challenges assumptions by the European Central Bank and … Read more

Islamist terror attack is top fear for Paris 2024 Olympics, police chief says – POLITICO

France has been on high alert amid concerns over potential terrorist attacks as Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, which will start on July 26 and end on August 11. In March, France scaled down the River Seine opening ceremony, with 104,000 spectators now expected to enjoy the celebrations on the waterfront and 222,000 others … Read more

Germany arrests 3 men for spying on Ukrainian target – POLITICO

European governments and spy-catchers have grown increasingly concerned about an uptick of espionage in the bloc since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. From France to Bulgaria, Russian snoops, often working under diplomatic cover, have been expelled en masse. Last week, the foreign ministers of eight EU countries wrote to the bloc’s top … Read more