Ditch the snow and head for the desert in Southwest Colorado

Ditch the snow and head for the desert in Southwest Colorado

When you hit winter weather overload, and you’re tired of snowy scenescapes, head to Cortez. Colorado’s quadrant of the Four Corners is filled with secrets of the past in its rugged and sometimes desolate desert landscape. Here’s what to do when you’re ready to ditch the snow and head for the desert in Southwest Colorado. … Read more

The ultimate US ghost towns: exploring ancient Native Americans’ settlements and culture, and camping under the stars

The ultimate US ghost towns: exploring ancient Native Americans’ settlements and culture, and camping under the stars

I have visited similar reminders of ancient civilisations, such as Cambodia’s city of Angkor and Peru’s Machu Picchu, which are integral to their modern country’s sense of identity. This time, I am in a nation with a far less developed sense of its own history: the United States. The Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde National … Read more