Keep chocolate fresher for longer as expert says you are storing it wrong

Keep chocolate fresher for longer as expert says you are storing it wrong

Christmas is a season of celebration and we all know that the extra calories don’t count when they’re delivered by Santa (or so we like to tell ourselves). This time of year we all like to over indugle in the consumption of lots of extra chocolate, with kids and adults tempted to tuck in. Whether … Read more

Simple food storage hack that makes chocolate taste even ‘delicious’

Simple food storage hack that makes chocolate taste even ‘delicious’

“Protect your chocolate from heat sources and strong odours to maintain its quality. Excessive heat can cause chocolate to melt or develop a white, powdery surface known as bloom, while strong odours can seep into the chocolate, altering its delicate flavour profile. “When storing opened chocolate, wrap it tightly in foil or place it back … Read more