Taiwan bans mainland rapper for describing island as part of China

Taiwan bans mainland rapper for describing island as part of China

Wang posted a series of promotional photos on the Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu, showing him sitting on a bench in front of a signboard reading “Beijing South Station: Beijing to Taipei, China,” along with a caption that said “Next stop: Taipei, China”. Wang’s post also said: “Head south towards the Tropic of Cancer and … Read more

Mainland Chinese urged to boycott Taiwanese hotel chain that refused to fly flag in Paris

Mainland Chinese urged to boycott Taiwanese hotel chain that refused to fly flag in Paris

Earlier this week, two videos shot in Paris published by a blogger surnamed Zhang went viral on social media. One of the videos, published under the account name Instructor Zhang’s Interesting Life, showed that the Evergreen Laurel Hotel in Paris had hung many flags in the lobby, but the Chinese mainland flag was apparently nowhere … Read more