Chinese cartoon campaign warns village clans against hindering Communist Party

Chinese cartoon campaign warns village clans against hindering Communist Party

Beijing is urging family clans in rural areas not to stand in the way of Communist Party and government policies. In a cartoon circulating on government websites and social media since last week, a family elder demands that his nephew, a village official, block the construction of a telecommunications tower. A comic strip issued by … Read more

China’s anti-corruption squads target funeral officials making a killing from the dead

China’s anti-corruption squads target funeral officials making a killing from the dead

Most of China’s funeral parlours are managed under the direct supervision of civil affairs authorities, and are monopolies with a reputation for opaque pricing and substandard services – which in turn is fertile ground for corruption. Zhang’s detention came three months after disciplinary authorities in the neighbouring city of Wuhu launched corruption investigations into Jiang … Read more