Should the Fourteenth Amendment Be Used to Disqualify Trump?

“We travel in uncharted territory,” the Colorado Supreme Court observed on Tuesday, as it ruled that Donald Trump’s name cannot appear on that state’s Republican Presidential-primary ballot. Indeed, the court’s 4–3 majority found that Trump had taken part in an insurrection on January 6, 2021, and that Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment … Read more

Are We Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship?

Betrayal, vengeance, invective, and apostasy: these are constants in the turmoil and carnival of American political history. Aaron Burr was accused of launching a strange and semi-farcical attempt to establish a separate country on four hundred thousand acres of farmland in what is now Louisiana. His leading accuser was Thomas Jefferson, whom he had recently … Read more

Justin Gutmann: Why I’m launching a £3bn claim against mobile phone companies

By Justin Gutmann Updated: 06:00 GMT, 9 December 2023 Justin Gutmann is the former head of research and insight at Citizens Advice. As a consumer champion, he has previously undertaken class legal actions against Apple and UK train operators. Below, he explains how he is taking on the telecoms giants. There’s nothing wrong with taking … Read more