I cooked the tastiest and crispiest bacon in 10 minutes by ditching oil for 1 ingredient

I cooked the tastiest and crispiest bacon in 10 minutes by ditching oil for 1 ingredient

For this hack, I started off with a cold frying pan and laid the bacon out flat. I opted for streaky bacon as the higher fat content works best with this method. Next, I added water to the pan – just enough so that the bacon was covered. I placed the pan on the stove … Read more

Chef shares how to cook the best bacon without frying in oil or using an oven

Chef shares how to cook the best bacon without frying in oil or using an oven

Bacon is typically preferred crispy, but cooking it so it doesn’t end up charred is a skill. @chefthomson on TikTok explained that the “most common mistake” people make when cooking bacon is they use a very high heat. This leads to the bacon turning “very dry and crusty”. Instead of adding copious amounts of oil … Read more