China’s lunar probe returns to Earth with first samples from moon’s far side

The TOI Science Desk stands as an inquisitive team of journalists, ceaselessly delving into the realms of discovery to curate a captivating collection of news, features, and articles from the vast and ever-evolving world of science for the readers of The Times of India. Consider us your scientific companion, delivering a daily dose of wonder … Read more

Chinese lunar probe returning to Earth

Chinese state-run media say an uncrewed spacecraft is headed back to Earth after blasting off from the far side of the moon Tuesday. The China National Space Administration says the ascender module of the Chang’e-6 probe entered a preset lunar orbit shortly after liftoff, according to a report by the Xinhua news agency. The Chang’e-6 … Read more

China launches Chang’e-6 lunar probe to explore far side of moon

NEW DELHI: China on Friday launched its Chang’e-6 lunar probe to the far side of the moon on a Long March-5 YB rocket from the Wenchang launch center located on the island province of Hainan. The mission’s objective is to bring back samples that could give insights into the differences between the less-explored region and … Read more