I make boiled eggs once a week – this is how I cook them perfectly every time

I make boiled eggs once a week – this is how I cook them perfectly every time

Eggs can be cooked in a plethora of ways – scrambled, poached, fried and, of course, boiled. As a child, ‘boiled eggs and soldiers’ was a classic supper dish that consisted of runny boiled eggs and thin strips of toast slathered in butter. Nowadays, I prefer my boiled eggs either in a salad paired with … Read more

How to cook the ‘jammiest boiled eggs’ without fail using chef’s method

How to cook the ‘jammiest boiled eggs’ without fail using chef’s method

It is debatable that soft jammy eggs are superior to hard-boiled eggs in terms of texture and taste. However, achieving the perfect soft-boiled egg might appear to be a simple task, but it is easy to end up with undercooked whites or overdone yolks. Depending on which chef you ask, the method of boiling an … Read more