Freezing, canning summer garden harvest: tomatoes, peaches, berries

Freezing, canning summer garden harvest: tomatoes, peaches, berries

One of my favorite childhood memories is the attention I got from my mom when I wasn’t feeling well. She’d keep me home from school and feed me comfort food. This included her chicken soup and buttered toast, followed by preserved peaches. That fruit went down so smoothly that any ache was immediately soothed, and all … Read more

Shade your tomatoes during heat waves, and other growing tips

Shade your tomatoes during heat waves, and other growing tips

We grow them because we love them. Are they easy? Not always, but their delicious ripe rewards confirm why tomatoes continue to be the most popular crop grown among home gardeners. In this, Part II of tomato care through the summer (read Part I here), let’s explore what can go wrong despite our good garden … Read more