Hundreds of buildings with Science Centre roof panels remain open

Hundreds of buildings with Science Centre roof panels remain open

The same lightweight concrete roofing material blamed for safety risks at the Ontario Science Centre is used in hundreds of other aging public buildings across the province, yet officials haven’t pointed to any others that have been ordered closed. The revelation comes as critics question whether the findings of an engineering report on the science centre’s … Read more

Scientists are on a quest for drought-resistant wheat, agriculture’s ‘Holy Grail’

Scientists are on a quest for drought-resistant wheat, agriculture’s ‘Holy Grail’

Plant biologist Marcus Samuel has been working for more than a decade to improve the climate resilience of crops. At his research greenhouse at the University of Calgary, he uses cutting-edge gene editing techniques to produce hardier varieties of plants able to withstand temperature fluctuations, floods and frosts. But while he has worked on canola, … Read more