Adult film legend Amy Yip, star of Sex and Zen and Erotic Ghost Story, bares all about her soft porn career in Hong Kong

It is to Yip’s credit that even after her long absence, the increasing public sightings of her of late have generated buzz and excitement over the possibility of a comeback. Yip during her movie heyday. Photo: SCMP Now 57, Yip is still stunning. Her smooth, tanned skin shows little of the ravages of age. Her … Read more

Most read of 2023: Hong Kong’s Audrey Hepburn, a sex bomb with US$250,000 breasts: your 7 favourite celebrity profiles

Looking back at 2023, a series that shone a spotlight on major Hong Kong pop culture figures of recent decades proved popular with readers. Profiles of Isabella Leong Lok-sze and sex bomb Amy Yip Chi-mei in particular struck a chord. 1. Girl power In May, Richard James Havis profiled Anita Yuen Wing-yee, known as the … Read more