About 4% of US adults age 65 and older have a dementia diagnosis, survey finds

Some 4% of US adults aged 65 and older say they have been diagnosed with dementia, a rate that reached 13% for those at least 85-years old, according to a report of a national survey released on Thursday. The report issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was based on the … Read more

More than a wonder drug: Viagra linked to better brain function | Delhi News

NEW DELHI: Sildenafil, commonly known by its brand name Viagra, the wonder drug for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, can also help people prevent problems related to memory. A recent study has found that the drug increases cerebral blood flow and enhances the function of blood vessels in individuals who are at risk of developing … Read more

Unpaid Bill Payments May Be Early Signs Of Dementia, Federal Bank Of New York Study

Difficulty managing bills could be an early sign of dementia, according to a recent study. It also revealed that individuals who eventually received a dementia diagnosis experienced a significant drop in credit scores – well before the official confirmation of their condition. Economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and medical specialists at … Read more

Study shows disrupted sleep might cause memory, thinking problems

LOS ANGELES: According to a recent study published online in Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology, people who have more disrupted sleep in their 30s and 40s are more likely to suffer memory and cognitive difficulties a decade later.The duration and quality of individuals’ sleep were examined by the researchers. To … Read more

Artificial intelligence lowers barrier to ultrasonic brain treatment

SEJONG: Using ultrasound energy to target specific millimetres of the brain, including deep areas, focused ultrasound technology is a non-invasive therapeutic approach that treats neurological disorders without necessitating opening the skull.Because it doesn’t harm nearby good tissue and reduces side effects like infections and difficulties, it has been used to treat a range of resistant … Read more

Stomach bug may raise risk of Alzheimer’s disease: Study

WASHINGTON DC: A common gut bacteria that is present in two-thirds of the world’s population may be linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research.The study examined whether a clinically evident Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection raised the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in individuals 50 years of age and older. It … Read more

Cooks’ questions answered: does cooking oil go bad? What the experts say

Why does this happen? Let’s turn to chemistry for an explanation. As outlined in a 2012 article in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, cooking oil goes bad because of a process called oxidation. The reaction occurs when the unsaturated fatty acids in cooking oils encounter oxygen. Unsaturated fatty acids keep oils liquid at … Read more