How extreme weather affects food prices in Canada

How extreme weather affects food prices in Canada

Extreme weather events like fires, floods, heat waves and droughts pose an increasing risk to Canada’s food supply chain, putting pressure on prices all the way to the grocery store shelf, say experts. “Anytime you have major weather-related events, it tends to increase costs,” said Frank Scali, vice-president of industry affairs at Food, Health & … Read more

As Christmas tree farmers retire, who will take over?

As Christmas tree farmers retire, who will take over?

Brad Clements, 82, has been growing Christmas trees near Milton, Ont., since the 1980s but is getting ready to pack it in.  “We’re looking at closing it up in the next year or so, if not sooner,” said Clements, owner of Clembrook Christmas Farm.  Clements and his wife aren’t passing the business on to a … Read more