Indian actress Kavita Chaudhary, renowned for her iconic role as IPS officer Kalyani Singh in the popular Doordarshan serial Udaan, passed away at a hospital in Amritsar following a cardiac arrest on Thursday night. She was 67 years old. Chaudhary, also recognized for her portrayal of Lalita ji in the Surf detergent commercials during the late 1980s in India, had been admitted to the hospital a few days prior to her demise.

Kavita Chaudhary, star of classic TV show Udaan, passes away at 67Kavita Chaudhary, star of classic TV show Udaan, passes away at 67

Kavita Chaudhary, star of classic TV show Udaan, passes away at 67

Confirming the news, Ajay Sayal, Chaudhary’s nephew, told PTI, “She passed away following cardiac arrest last night around 8.30 pm in Amritsar at the hospital. She was admitted to the hospital a few days ago due to low blood pressure. Her condition became critical later.” The last rites of Kavita Chaudhary were conducted on Thursday morning. She is survived by her nephew Ajay Sayal and her niece.

Chaudhary gained widespread acclaim for her portrayal of IPS officer Kalyani Singh in Udaan, a progressive show focused on women’s empowerment that aired on Doordarshan from 1989 to 1991. Udaan received critical acclaim and inspired a generation of women to pursue careers in public service. During the pandemic, the show was brought back for a re-run on Doordarshan, further solidifying its impact on Indian television and society.


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