With the new DCL to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet comes a new Elite 4 and Champion to challenge. These Blueberry Academy students are now pushovers so be prepared for fierce battles.
Blueberry Academy has a League Club that is structured in the same way as the Pokemon League. There are four elite students with a champion who leads the entire club. Players discover that Kieran has taken the title of Champion and is working everyone into the ground, stressing strength over everything else. Drayton, one of the Elite Four, tasks players to fix their mess and stop Kieran.
Related: Complete Blueberry Pokedex For The Indigo Disk DLC in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
How to Beat Amarys in Pokémon Indigo Disk
Amarys is ranked #4 of the Elite Four and is the easiest of the group to defeat. That doesn’t mean she’s a pushover though. The first thing players will need to do is complete their Elite Trial. Players will have to fly through floating rings to get to the finish line before time runs out. If players haven’t unlocked Miraidon or Koraidon’s ability to fly, don’t worry Amarys has you covered.
Amarys uses Steel Type Pokémon for her team, all but one wild card that is.
Pokémon | Level |
Dugtrio | 78 |
Skarmory | 78 |
Reuniclus | 79 |
Empoleon | 79 |
Scizor | 79 |
Metagross | 80 |
Have Fire, Fighting, and Ground-Type Pokémon on hand for this fight. Skarmory has Whirlwind and Stealth Rock, which becomes annoying fast if players don’t take it out right away. Reuniclus is the odd Pokémon out being a Psychic-Type, but can be easily dealt with if one of the Pokémon on the player’s team has a Dark or Ghost-Type move.
How to Beat Crispin in Pokémon Indigo Disk

Crispin will bring the heat when it’s time to challenge him. But first, players will need to prove their worth by making him the spiciest sandwich they can muster in the Elite Trial. Players are tasked to either battle or trade for sandwich ingredients that will make a spicy sandwich to impress Crispin. Gather all the spicy ingredients, like the jalapenos, and bring them to Crispin. You will have to make the sandwich, so be careful not to drop anything or you will lose them.
Battling Crispin is not an easy task. He has quite the fire team that will easily KO players’ Pokémon if they are not prepared.
Pokémon | Level |
Talonflame | 77 |
Rotom | 77 |
Magmortar | 78 |
Camerupt | 78 |
Exeggutor | 78 |
Blaziken | 78 |
Crispin will bring Talonflame on the field first to make use of its Sunny Day move. Make sure to have a counter for it and get rid of Talonflame as soon as possible. I found that having Rain Dance was perfect for this fight. Having Ogerpon on the team and changing its type was handy in a pinch. Having a Ground/Rock-Type or another Water-Type Pokémon with high defense worked great to do heavy damage at the beginning so I could use Rain Dance with the other Pokémon every time to county Sunny Day.
How to Beat Lacey in Pokémon Indigo Disk

Lacey believes in the power of pink, bringing a stacked Fairy-Type team. Scarlet & Violet players should be prepared as she will not only test their strength but also their knowledge. The Elite Trial the players must complete is a pop quiz. There are five questions ranging from knowing Pokémon anatomy to having acute observation skills.
Lacey is a Fairy-Type trainer with six Pokemon that each have a different subtype.
Pokémon | Level |
Granbull | 78 |
Whimsicott | 78 |
Primarina | 78 |
Slowbro | 79 |
Alcremie | 79 |
Excadrill | 80 |
Be sure to have powerful Steel and Poison-Type Pokémon on hand, as they will be the most effective. If players don’t have that, then they need a strong variety of types that will match up well with the above subtype. It will become a game of switching Pokémon quickly, and with precision timing, as the Pokémon above cover almost all bases.
How to Beat Drayton in Pokémon Indigo Disk

Drayton is the last of the Elite Four before moving on to fight Keiran once and for all. Drayton’s Elite Trial is as chill as he claims it to be. Players are tasked with battling three fellow League Club members. The twist – players can only battle with Pokémon caught in the Terrarium. The following are the Pokémon each club member will have.
Club Member | Pokémon |
First Club Member | Bastiodon lvl 68 & Rampardos lvl 68 |
Second Club Member | Alolan Sandslash lvl 68 & Dewgong lvl 68 |
Third Club Member | Magnezone lvl 68 & Zebstrika lvl 68 |
I suspected Drayton would have have a team of Dragon-Type Pokemon and I’m glad I was right.
Pokémon | Level |
Flygon | 78 |
Dragonite | 78 |
Sceptile | 79 |
Kingdra | 79 |
Haxorus | 79 |
Archaludon | 80 |
Make sure to have strong Fairy Type Pokémon for this match and a few strong Pokémon that can withstand Electric and Ground moves. Keep track of the Pokémon’s subtypes and match accordingly. I would suggest, if limited on fairy types, matching up strong Pokémon to assist the Fairy Types and take the brunt of the damage if possible.
How to Beat Keiran in Pokémon Indigo Disk

The time has finally come to face Kieran and the consequences of our actions. Kieran does not have an Elite Trial in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. He just wants to get this done. By the time I reached him, I also wanted to get done. Kieran can be found at the entrance main stadium for Blueberry Academy. Talk to the woman at the main desk and she will set up the match.
Pokémon | Level |
Dragonite | 80 |
Politoed | 80 |
Porygon-Z | 81 |
Incineroar | 81 |
Grimmsnarl | 81 |
Hydrapple | 82 |
For this fight, having a Fairy-Type was extremely helpful – bonus points for having a Fairy/Water-Type Pokémon. My Azumarill was the MVP of the show. I did bring out Ogerpon – which did deal a good amount of damage while on the field. Kieran also reacted when it was sent out, and he was not happy. Make sure to have some revives and potions as Kieran’s Pokémon do pack quite a punch.
After defeating Kieran in The Indigo Disk DLC, Scarlet & Violet players will move on to learn more about what is happening at the Terrarium, and in Area Zero.