Have you been wondering why your New Year’s resolutions just don’t stick? It’s not your fault. Too often, we apply a one-size-fits-all approach to our resolutions, without thinking about how to set ourselves on the best path for success. There’s no point trying to stick to goals that don’t fit with your natural gifts. I bet you’ve never matched your resolutions to your unique way of being in the world. That’s why this year will be different.
I’m sure you have developed many ways of being depending on the setting you’re in. The quickest way to narrow it down is by paying attention to how you show up under pressure. When life gets hectic, messy, stressful, or overwhelming, what behavior(s) do you turn to most naturally?
Doers typically create a master to-do list and speed up by checking items off left and right to gain momentum.
Thinkers often slow down to create space and time to methodically evaluate data and think through the issue.
Seers begin generating new possibilities, creating innovative paths forward.
Feelers reach out to their network to seek assistance, comfort, or collaboration.
When pressure mounts, knowing your work style provides important clues about how you can leverage your innate gifts and become more resourceful in a world moving faster by the minute.
Depending on which work style you identify with most, here are some ideas to help you expand and elevate yourself in the new year:
If you’re a doer, you like structure. You enjoy the trains running on schedule and take great pride in keeping projects on time and under budget. Unexpected emotional roller coasters (within yourself or with those you love and lead) will derail you fast, as feeling “out-of-control” often leaves you reeling from inner emotional turmoil. But life happens (natural disasters, pandemics, wars, and politics in an election year, to name a few).
While the emotional roller coaster of the world hurtles forward, how can you make sure your New Year’s resolutions support you in maintaining the structure you value so much?
How to energize yourself first thing in the morning: Set a goal to beat your previous time (at getting through emails, accomplishing certain tasks, whatever is important to you in your daily life.)
Create a strategy that supports how you work: Make sure to create a dedicated “office space” that gives you structure, so that you can be flexible and remain productive. If you work in a hybrid work environment, where you have multiple places of work, make sure you have a designated office space in each location to help you stay on track.
Use tools that improve focus, efficiency, and productivity: Set time blocks to get work done. Blocking 45, 60, or 90 minutes for dedicated, focused work can help break your time up and keep you feeling energized and able to check things off your list.
What to do on breaks: Move your body. Doers, you’re typically grounded in the physical world of action, so movement is a powerful way to physically process stress, clear your mind, and cross self-care off your to-do list.
When pressure mounts for thinkers, they can feel stuck or suffer from analysis paralysis. They need time and space to sort through the data to solve complex problems. Here are some resolutions that will help you support accomplishing these goals by doing it once and doing it right.
How to energize yourself first thing in the morning: Try organizing your spice rack, your sock drawer, or the bathroom cabinet. Moving the world from chaos to order gives you a natural boost.
Create a strategy that supports how you work: If you find yourself behind schedule, wishing you had more time to meet your next deadline, rather than switching from one type of task to another, try batching like tasks. For example, answer emails from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and make calls from 9:15-10:15 a.m. Thinkers, once you start going, you’re like a locomotive, and you pick up steam when you can focus. This will save you time.
Use tools that improve focus, efficiency, and productivity: Committing to using task manager tools to transform the complexity in your head into clarity on the screen will help you stay on track in your day.
What to do on breaks: In case you were wondering what happened above from 9:00-9:15 a.m.—it’s important to periodically shift out of your head and get into your body or your heart. Try stepping out of the complex problems you’re solving and focusing on something physical, like watching a cute pet video, tossing some juggling balls, or going for a walk. Then, when it’s time to get back to work, your mind has gotten a quick reset.
Under stress, seers often generate creative possibilities, forging innovative paths forward.
How to energize yourself first thing in the morning: Even when you’re working from home, put on your power suit, whatever makes you feel your best! Aesthetics matter to Seers, so looking and feeling your best gives you confidence—an important boost of energy.
Create a strategy that supports how you work: Block out big chunks of time to give you flexibility. You like alternating between routine and creative work, so don’t lock yourself into doing one thing. Build in the time to help you work the way that comes naturally.
Use tools that improve focus, efficiency, and productivity: Consider introducing technology such as mind manager to capture the ideas that come out of you at any given moment.
What to do on breaks: Definitely something creative, innovative, or new. Perhaps developing a new skill like a cool dance move or learning about the latest gadget.
If you’re a feeler, reaching out to your network to seek assistance, comfort, or collaboration in tough times comes naturally to you.
How to energize yourself first thing in the morning: Texting, calling, or meeting with someone to whom you feel deeply connected will skyrocket your day in just the right way.
Create a strategy that supports how you work: Anywhere you’re feeling stuck, enlist an accountability buddy. This is someone with whom you partner with, talk things through, and is a human reminder that you have support and you can do hard things. Don’t underestimate the power of a partner—and you’ll be back on track in no time.
Use tools that improve focus, efficiency, and productivity: Project management tools that allow you to connect to your team at a glance and know where everyone is can be powerful for feelers. If you work from home, joining a coworking space is a great way for you to vibe off the energy of others, even if they’re working on other projects. Get creative. You know the power of people. You might even try working alongside those who also love being connected as they accomplish, perhaps virtually, with your sound muted. Experiment to see what inspires you most.
What to do on breaks: Virtual or live happy hour. Resolve to save time for meeting a friend for a walk or to share a meal. People, people, people are your currency, so connect away.
What if keeping your New Year’s resolutions was easy? Matching your New Year’s resolutions to who you are and how you show up in the world will ensure that you not only achieve them, but you’ll feel more balanced and equipped to take on the new year. It’s a new year, time for a new you.