Welcome to another weekly edition of the AIPT Comics podcast, your one-stop shop for the week in comics news, reviews, and more! This week, Ed Brisson joins the show to discuss his new series, The Displaced. We dig into its creative origins, working with artist Luca Casalanguida and more! We also dig into Predator: The Last Hunt #1, whether we’ll get an Aliens vs. Predator from Marvel Comics and more on that.
You can stream the AIPT Comics podcast below or find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.
AIPT Comics Top Comics of the Week:
- Dark Spaces: Dungeon #3 (Scott Snyder, Hayden Sherman)
- Fantastic Four #17 (Ryan North, Carlos Gomez)\
- Dark Spaces: Dungeon #3 (Scott Snyder, Hayden Sherman)
- The One Hand #1 (Ram V, Laurence Campbell, Lee Loughridge)
Standout KAPOW moment of the week:
Nathan – The Cull #5 (Kelly Thompson, Mattia De Iulis)
Dave – Fantastic Four #17 (Ryan North, Carlos Gomez)
In our Judging by the Cover segment, Dave loved Matt Lesniewski’s The Deviant #4 cover, and Nathan talked all about David Aja’s Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #3 cover. Check out both below!

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