IRGC attack US consulate in Iraq as tensions between the US, Iran rise

The American consulate in Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq was attacked Monday evening by drones belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), according to a report on Al Jazeera. The IRGC took responsibility for the attack in northern Iraq announcing that they had attacked an “intelligence headquarters and gathering place of … Read more

Houthis vow to keep up Red Sea attacks after US-led strikes

The chief negotiator for Yemen’s Houthis said on Monday the group’s stance has not changed since US-led airstrikes on its positions, and warned that attacks on ships headed to Israel will continue. US and British warplanes, ships and submarines last week launched dozens of airstrikes across Yemen in retaliation for Houthi attacks on Red … Read more

Turkish strikes hit water, power infrastructure in Syria’s northeast

Turkey has carried out a wave of airstrikes on electricity and oil infrastructure in Syria’s Kurdish-held northeast that has put several power stations out of service, local sources and Syrian state media said on Monday. Hogir Najar, a media official at the Kurdish-run autonomous administration, told Reuters that at least 40 sites had been … Read more

Iranian journalists released face new legal case for flouting hijab

Iran’s judiciary has opened a new case against two jailed female journalists for appearing without a hijab upon their temporary release from prison, the judiciary’s Mizan news agency reported on Monday. Niloofar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, respectively sentenced to 13 and 12 years in prison for their coverage of the death in custody of … Read more

US says it shot down anti-ship cruise missile from Houthi areas

US fighter aircraft shot down an anti-ship cruise missile fired from Houthi terrorist areas of Yemen toward a US destroyer operating in the Southern Red Sea, the US military said on Sunday. The midair interception is the latest incident in the Red Sea where the Houthis have been attacking international shipping in what they … Read more

US attack reported on Yemeni Red Sea port city amid Houthi threat

Reports emerged on Sunday night of a suspected US attack on the western Yemeni city of Al Hudaydah, a port city on the Red Sea controlled by the Houthis. Reports also suggested Israel could have been involved in the attack. Yemen’s Houthis have targeted ships traveling through the Red Sea toward Israel as part … Read more

‘White heart’: Daughter of Turkey’s Erdogan slammed for anti-Israel post

A verified account on X (formerly Twitter) carrying the name of Esra Erdogan, a self-described “rights activist” who coincidentally shares the name of Turkish President Erdogan’s daughter, attempted to flatter South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for his country’s decision to bring Israel to the International Court of Justice but ended up causing upheaval for … Read more

Crowds protest in Ramallah as Blinken meets with Abbas

Dozens of angry protesters demonstrated against the arrival of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Ramallah on Wednesday by burning posters of him and of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Blinken was in Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after meeting with Netanyahu and other officials in Israel the previous … Read more

Tanker seized by Iran located off Qeshm Island in Persian Gulf

The Marshall Islands-flagged tanker seized by Iran in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday has been located east of Iran’s Qeshm Island, monitoring service said in a post on social media platform X. Iran seized the St Nikolas, loaded with Iraqi crude destined for Turkey, in retaliation for the confiscation last year of … Read more

Biden: US delivered private message to Iran about Houthi attacks

President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States had delivered a private message to Iran about Iran-backed Houthis responsible for attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea. “We delivered it privately and we’re confident we’re well-prepared,” Biden told reporters at the White House before departing to the Camp David presidential retreat for the … Read more