According to early estimates by Sacnilk, Animal is likely to earn Rs 4.23 crore in India, which marks the film’s lowest single-day collection, taking its total box office collection to Rs 522.17 crore. The movie is currently in its third week and it is just a couple of days away from facing tough competition with new releases such as Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki and Prabhas starrer Salaar.
It will be interesting to see whether Animal will be able to hold its ground despite box office clash between Dunki and Salaar. While Dunki will release on December 21 and will have an upper hand in terms of its opening day collection, Salaar will hit the theatres on December 22.
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Animal Movie Review
From its initial release, Animal created ripples in the industry with its record-breaking numbers. The film garnered immense attention for its high-octane action sequences, gripping storyline, and chart-topping songs that quickly became a sensation among the audience.
However, the movie also found itself at the center of controversy, as critics expressed concerns over its portrayal of misogyny and excessive violence. Despite the critical backlash, Animal has managed to strike a chord with the audience, who have embraced the film for its sheer entertainment value.
As Animal continues its impressive march towards the Rs 900 crore milestone worldwide, it remains to be seen whether the film can regain its momentum and finish its theatrical run on a high note.
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