Xiaomi 14 Civi (review) was recently launched as the first Civi series phone from Xiaomi to launch in India. Although the phone fares really well on multiple parameters, there are some concerns about its battery backup as the handset features a lower battery capacity than most phones in its price range. Today, we will be gauging its real-world performance against another solid phone in its price category – Realme GT 6T (review) The Realme GT 6T houses a battery capacity of 5,500mAh, compared to the 4,700mAh capacity offered by the Xiaomi 14 Civi. While the Realme handset has a clear advantage on paper, let’s find out if it can back it up in our tests, too.
In the PCMark battery test, we assess the handsets’ battery performance under optimal conditions. The test was conducted after charging the devices to 100 percent and setting the brightness and volume levels to 50 percent. The Realme GT 6T outlasted the Xiaomi 14 Civi here, lasting 13 hours and 16 minutes, compared to the 12 hours and 15 minutes recorded by the Xiaomi handset.
Winner: Realme GT 6T
Video streaming
Unlike the PCMark benchmark test, the Xiaomi 14 Civi performed identically to its counterpart in our video streaming test, where a video is played for 30 minutes at 50 percent brightness and volume level. After the test, both the Realme GT 6T and the Xiaomi handset lost battery life by 3 percent. If we look at the difference in battery capacities, the Realme GT 6T lost an equivalent of 165mAh battery while the Xiaomi 14 Civi lost around 141mAh battery. While the GT 6T had an advantage of battery capacity, it ended up losing the battery at a faster rate and the end result was a tie.
Winner: Tie
Gaming test
While gaming, the Realme GT 6T offered a slightly better battery backup. We tested it by playing three games, namely BGMI, Call of Duty, and Real Racing 3, on both devices for 30 minutes each and similar graphics settings on both devices. The Xiaomi 14 Civi lost a total of 21 percent in battery life, which was equivalent to 987mAh. In comparison, the Realme GT 6T registered a 20 percent drop, which turned out to be 1,100mAh in absolute numbers.
Winner: Xiaomi 14 Civi
Charging speeds
When it comes to charging, the 120W tech gives the Realme GT 6T an edge over the Xiaomi 14 Civi’s 67W fast charging solution. Despite the bigger battery cell, the Realme smartphone achieves a full charge from 20 percent to 100 percent in just 32 minutes with the provided charger. The Xiaomi 14 Civi, on the contrary, takes 40 minutes to do the same.
Winner: Realme GT 6T
Overall, it is abundantly clear that if battery backup is the priority for you, the Realme GT 6T should be your choice as it excels in charging speed and overall endurance in synthetic tests like PCMark. While the Xiaomi 14 Civi performed better than its on-paper specifications, it could not offer a better battery backup than the Realme handset in any of our tests. Having said that, it wasn’t far behind the Realme handset in any of the tests, which means that if you are looking at other aspects, the tide could easily shift in favour of the Xiaomi Civi 14.
Tested by: Aditya Pandey/ Ujjwal Sharma