Fans are buzzing as Transformers One is rolling out sooner than expected. The animated prequel follows the epic origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron’s legendary rivalry, making it the first theatrical animated Transformers movie since 1984. Directed by Toy Story 4’s Josh Cooley, the film is packed with big names lending their voices, including Chris Hemsworth as Optimus, Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, Scarlett Johansson as Elita-1, and Keegan-Michael Key as Bumblebee.
We’ve also got Steve Buscemi as Starscream, Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion, and Jon Hamm as Sentinel Prime. With a cast like this, Transformers One is a must-watch for diehard fans and newcomers.
Transformers One Streaming Release Date
Paramount+ posted the exciting news on its official X account, revealing that Transformers One will hit the streaming platform on November 15. The announcement came with a short, celebratory video showcasing clips from the movies and giving fans a taste of the action.
It’s been eight weeks since the movie premiered in the US on September 20, so the wait wasn’t too long. If you missed it in theaters or just want to relive the origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, now’s your chance to catch all the animated action from the comfort of home. Get ready to transform your Friday plans.
We’ve got a surprise for you. Transformers One is coming to #ParamountPlus tomorrow!
— Paramount+ (@paramountplus) November 14, 2024
How Will Streaming Release Affect Transformers One Box Office Success?
The streaming release of Transformers One on Paramount+ could help the movie boost its overall success, especially with its timing. Debuting just before Thanksgiving, the film has the potential to become a go-to choice for families looking to enjoy some quality entertainment together.
Though it might face stiff competition in theaters from heavyweights like Wicked, Gladiator II, and Moana 2, its availability at home gives it an edge. Also, streaming alongside Red One, which has lower box office projections, could favor Transformers One.
With a theatrical gross of $128.8 million and a steep break-even point, a strong streaming performance might be just what the movie needs to offset its underwhelming box office run.
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