West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board, WBJEEB has released the WBJEE 2024 answer key. Candidates who have appeared for West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination can check the provisional answer key through the official website of WBJEEB at wbjeeb.nic.in.
The objection window has also opened along with the answer key. To download the answer key, candidates can follow the steps given below.
Candidates who are not satisfied with the answers can raise objections against the answer key through the official website of WBJEEB till May 9, 2024. A candidate can challenge any number of answer keys but in one session. The candidate has to pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹500 per question challenged through net banking/ debit card/ credit card/UPI only. No challenge will be reviewed if the fee payment is not successful.
As per the official notice, WBJEEB will review all challenges and take final decisions. The Board’s decision in this regard will be final and no further communication/ request/ appeal will be entertained. Scores and ranks will be calculated based on the final reviewed answer keys. For more related details candidates can check the official website of WBJEEB.