Shah Rukh Khan who made a stellar comeback in 2023 with films like Pathaan and Jawan is a role model for millions of Indians. His career began from 1992 and he is reigning hearts till date. While Shah Rukh Khan keeps his personal life private, it is a known fact that he is in touch with all his friends from his younger days. His first friend and mentor in the industry was Viveck Vaswani. The actor and producer helped him learn the ropes of the industry when he was a newbie. Throughout the years, there have been some wild rumours around Shah Rukh Khan. One of them was that he was in a romantic live-in relationship with Viveck Vaswani.
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Viveck Vaswami slams the rumours of their alleged relationship
In his detailed interview with Siddharth Kannan, he addressed the gossip of their alleged sexual relations. He asked Kannan if he was referring to their affair. He said that Shah Rukh Khan is not that type of a person. He said he never knew where the rumours came from. It seems Shah Rukh Khan and Viveck Vaswani lived in the same house along with the latter’s parents. He said in the interview, “There was tension, stress about career, he had to get married to Gauri, where would a relationship be in all of this? There was a relationship of friendship.” He said the thought is something both of them cannot imagine. Vaswani said people spread unpleasant rumours when someone reaches the pinnacle of success.
Vaswani talks about Shah Rukh Khan alleged news of dating Karan Johar and Priyanka Chopra
The alleged affair of Shah Rukh Khan with his Don 2 co-star Priyanka Chopra kept gossip mills busy for years. The fact that he was seen in a jacket similar to what Priyanka Chopra said she received as a gift from an ex-BF made folks speculate harder. Viveck Vaswani said that Gauri Khan is the only woman that Shah Rukh Khan has ever loved. He called him a one-woman man.
He told Siddharth Kannan, “In fact, from the time I have known him, he has been a one-woman man all his life. How many flings have you heard of? We have had one rumour about Priyanka Chopra, that also its a rumour but what else have we heard of Shah Rukh? Nothing. He’s not that kind of a person.” He also said that Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar’s close relationship made people insinuate many things. He said, “Because of his relationship with Karan, a lot of people have tried to… as you become bigger in stature as a star, as a success, people say all sorts of things. It’s not true.”
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