Filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra‘s film 12th Fail has created a lot of storm at the box office. The film has been directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and has gained immense love after its theatrical release. The film was released in October and its captivating storyline and plot left the audience hooked to the screens. The movie is based on the lives of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS officer Shraddha Joshi. Apart from Vikrant, the film also stars Medha Shankar, Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar, and Priyanshu Chatterjee in the main roles. BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News.
After two months, 12th Fail is all set for its digital release during the holiday season. Yes, you read that right! The film has finally left a lasting impression on audiences and it’s time for the audience to give the much-needed love to the film again but this time on the OTT.
12th fail to release on this OTT Platform
12th Fail will release on 12th fail to release on this OTT Platform, slated for this month on December 29. In an Instagram post, the makers of 12th Fail made the announcement of their OTT release and captioned it as, ‘If there is one movie you must watch before 2024 starts, this one has to be it! #12thFail streaming on 29th December.’
Have a look at 12th Fail OTT announcement
The storyline of 12th Fail is about Manoj Kumar Sharma, who hailed from Chambal, and his inspiring journey of defeating poverty to become an IPS officer.
Watch this video below:
On the work front, Vikrant has Yaar Jigri, sector 36, and Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba in his kitty. The actor is also excited as he is soon going to become a dad soon.
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