The new of veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha‘s hospitalisation left his fans worried. Days after daughter Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding to Zaheer Iqbal, the reports emerged that Shatrughan Sinha has been admitted to Kokilaben hospital in Mumbai. It was a day ago that a video of Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal exiting the hospital made it to the internet. There were rumours suggesting that the Kaala Pathar actor underwent a surgery. However, that is not true.
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Shatrughan Sinha’s son Luv Sinha has shared an health update of his father. As per a report in Hindustan Times, Luv Sinha told a new agency that the veteran actor has been admitted to the hospital as he had very strong fever. The family decided to admit him to the hospital so that all the tests can be done on time and he could recover. When asked about the reports of surgery, he clarified that he has been going to the hospital every day and his father hasn’t undergone any surgery. To IndianExpress, Luv Sinha revealed that Shatrughan Sinha had viral fever and weakness. Sonakshi Sinha hasn’t commented yet on the same. We wish Shatrughan Sinha a speedy recovery.
Here’s Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding video
It was on June 23 that Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married. Shatrughan Sinha took part in all the wedding festivities. A happy father also took to his social media account to share pictures from the wedding ceremony. He shared images and pictures stating that he is truly overwhelmed with all the wishes pouring in for the family. He also wrote, “no words to express our happiness & appreciation.” The Sinha family remained in the news as there were rumours stating that the family wasn’t quite pleased with Sonakshi Sinha’s decision to marry Zaheer Iqbal. However, Shatrughan Sinha squashed all the rumours stating that all is well in the family. The alleged absence of twin brothers Luv Sinha and Kussh Sinha from Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding also raised eyebrows. However, in a latest post, Luv Sinha posted that family is above everything.
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