Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, while speaking to said, “The bus accident was very unfortunate. Yesterday I went to Rishikesh and I have taken information from the doctors who are treating those injured, their families have also been informed”.
“Orders have been given to investigate the Rudraprayag Tempo Traveller accident. We are investigating this matter. We have also taken stock of the hospital where the injured have been admitted,” Dhami said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also expressed condolences for the bereaved families and wished for a swift recovery to those injured.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a post on X said, “The road accident in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand is heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones in this.”
He added, “Along with this, I wish for the speedy recovery of all the injured. Under the supervision of the state government, the local administration is engaged in all possible help to the victims”.Notably, at least 14 people were killed as a tempo traveller carrying 26 passengers fell into a deep gorge in Uttarakhand’s Rudraprayag district on Saturday after which the Uttarakhand government directed an investigation into the accident.Union Minister Ajay Tamta said that the state government, under the guidance of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Dhami has admitted them to Rishikesh AIIMS.
“Some people have lost their lives and some have been injured. Our state government, under the guidance of our Chief Minister, has admitted them to Rishikesh AIIMS. The government is taking care of the injured people. Doctors and the entire administration are engaged and we want them to stay healthy and well,” he said.