The Jigra trailer was released today and Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina have teased us an intense and emotional story with their upcoming film. It is Alia’s first and only release of 2024 and Vedang’s second movie after The Archies and first theatrical release. After a long time, Bollywood is treating us with a sibling story and this one, shows to what length a sister can go to protect her brother. The audience is looking forward to knowing more about the Vasan Bala’s film upon its release.
BollywoodLife recently spoke to Vedang Raina about working with Alia Bhatt in Jigra and the overall experience. The Archies actor said, “It was the most wonderful experience. She is such a great co-actor. Obviously, working with a superstar like her was the first time for me. In The Archies, I was with all new comers. Just the whole experience… doing a film like this with Vasan sir as my second project, a challenging role for me. I had a great experience and a great journey. I hope everyone loves the film.”
We met Vedang during the launch of a sunscreen product for which he is roped in as the brand ambassador. When asked if his co-star Alia shared any skincare tips with him, considering she’s quite particular about her skin and has a great routine, Vedang said they didn’t discuss about things yet much on sets. Their conversation were related more about their scenes, their characters and the equation Satya and Ankur share in the movie.
When asked what kind of work he is looking for after Jigra, Vedang said, “I don’t know. I haven’t given it a thought. After The Archies, Jigra happened quite quickly and yeah, I don’t think I have a plan as an actor. Hopefully I get to sing more. It is my first love. Glad that I got a chance for Jigra. I hope I get that in future also.”
Watch Vedang Raina’s interview below
Jigra is jointly produced by Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions house and Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions. The movie also stars Manoj Pahwa and Aditya Nanda. It is all set to release in theatres on October 11, 2024.
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